Adebukola Kolapo, a content creator, has been detained for three weeks by the National Cybercrime Centre of the Nigerian Police Force in Abuja. The alleged reason for his detention stems from his frequent engagement with posts on the popular Instagram gossip blog, Gistloverblog Mediaoutlet.
Kolapo was an active follower of the blog and even received a scholarship from them in 2022. However, on December 3, 2023, he and another follower, Nnedum Dollar, were deceived into hosting an event in Ibadan by unidentified clients. Following this event, both men were arrested.
In an exclusive interview with PUNCH Metro, Kolapo’s father, Amidu Kolapo, expresses concern about his son’s detention and alleges its illegality. He claims Adebukola has committed no crime. He recounts the confusing details surrounding his son’s arrest, with police initially misleading him about Adebukola’s location and ultimately revealing his transfer to Abuja.
Adding to the confusion, the reason for the arrest remains unclear. Amidu claims police have offered no explanation beyond linking it to Gistloverblog. He further alleges difficulties in securing his son’s release, stating the police keep changing the required level of surety from a Level 14 to a Level 16 officer.
Another anonymous source, citing their own active engagement on Gistloverblog, believes the arrests are based on false pretenses and intended to identify the blog’s creator. They fear repercussions for themselves as well.
Efforts to reach the Force spokesperson, Olumuyiwa Adejobi, for comment were unsuccessful.